群狼调研(长沙专业问卷调查)社情民意调查主题和领域 - 长沙市 - 宇全商务网
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来源:本站原创 浏览:49次 时间:2023-06-20


  1. 社会人口信息:

  • 年龄、性别、教育水平、职业、收入等。

  • 地理位置,如城市、地区或国家。

  2. 社会问题:

  • 对当前社会问题和挑战的公众意见。

  • 对社会政策、改革或倡议的态度和看法。

  • 对特定社会问题(如贫困、不平等、医疗、教育、环境等)的意识和关注。

  3. 政治风景:

  • 对政治人物、政党或意识形态的公众情绪。

  • 对政治制度和领导人的信任。

  • 选民偏好和政治参与。

  4. 经济展望:

  • 对当前经济形势的感知。

  • 对经济稳定性和增长前景的信心。

  • 对就业、通胀、收入分配等问题的看法。

  5. 公共服务和基础设施:

  • 对公共服务(如医疗、教育、交通等)的满意度。

  • 对基础设施设施的质量和可访问性的评估。

  • 对政府提供公共服务的效果的看法。

  6. 社会价值观和态度:

  • 对社会价值观、文化规范和道德的看法。

  • 对多样性、包容性和社会凝聚力的态度。

  • 对家庭、宗教、性别平等等主题的信仰和观点。

  7. 媒体和信息消费:

  • 信息来源和新闻消费习惯。

  • 对不同媒体平台和渠道的信任。

  • 对媒体准确性、客观性和偏见的看法。

  8. 公共安全:

  • 对犯罪率和个人安全的关注和认知。

  • 对执法机构和司法系统的信任。

  • 对政府确保公共安全的努力的评估。

  9. 生活方式和幸福感:

  • 生活方式偏好、休闲活动和娱乐选择。

  • 对个人幸福感、工作与生活平衡和生活质量的满意度。

  • 健康和福祉行为,包括锻炼、饮食和心理健康。

  10. 未来展望:

  • 对未来的乐观或悲观态度。

  • 对社会进步和发展的期望。

  • 对未来的挑战和机遇的看法。

  11. 在设计调查问题和格式时,重要的是确保回答不带


  Theme and Field of Social Opinion Survey

  The content of a social opinion survey can vary depending on the specific objectives and focus of the survey. However, here are some common topics and areas that are often included in a social opinion survey:

  1. Socio-demographic Information:

  • Age, gender, education level, occupation, income, etc.

  • Geographic location, such as city, region, or country.

  2. Social Issues:

  • Public opinion on current social issues and challenges.

  • Attitudes and perceptions towards social policies, reforms, or initiatives.

  • Awareness and concerns regarding specific social issues (e.g., poverty, inequality, healthcare, education, environment).

  3. Political Landscape:

  • Public sentiment towards political figures, parties, or ideologies.

  • Trust in political institutions and leaders.

  • Voter preferences and political participation.

  4. Economic Outlook:

  • Perception of the current economic situation.

  • Confidence in economic stability and growth prospects.

  • Views on employment, inflation, income distribution, etc.

  5. Public Services and Infrastructure:

  • Satisfaction with public services, such as healthcare, education, transportation, etc.

  • Assessment of the quality and accessibility of infrastructure facilities.

  • Perceptions of government effectiveness in delivering public services.

  6. Social Values and Attitudes:

  • Views on social values, cultural norms, and ethics.

  • Attitudes towards diversity, inclusion, and social cohesion.

  • Beliefs and opinions on topics such as family, religion, gender equality, etc.

  7. Media and Information Consumption:

  • Sources of information and news consumption habits.

  • Trust in different media platforms and channels.

  • Perception of media accuracy, objectivity, and bias.

  8. Public Safety and Security:

  • Concerns and perceptions regarding crime rates and personal safety.

  • Trust in law enforcement agencies and justice system.

  • Evaluation of government efforts to ensure public safety.

  9. Lifestyle and Well-being:

  • Lifestyle preferences, leisure activities, and recreational choices.

  • Satisfaction with personal well-being, work-life balance, and quality of life.

  • Health and wellness behaviors, including exercise, diet, and mental well-being.

  10. Future Outlook:

  • Optimism or pessimism about the future.

  • Expectations for societal progress and development.

  • Perceptions of challenges and opportunities for the future.

  It's important to design the survey questions and format in a way that ensures unbiased responses and accurate representation of the population. The survey may include closed-ended questions with response options, open-ended questions for qualitative insights, rating scales, or Likert scale questions.