湖南神秘顾客公司餐饮业神秘顾客暗访检测表 - 长沙市 - 宇全商务网
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来源:本站原创 浏览:57次 时间:2023-07-13

      1. 餐厅信息

  • 餐厅名称

  • 地点

  • 日期

  • 时间

  2. 观察项目

  • 餐厅环境和装潢

  • 员工形象和仪态

  • 服务态度和效率

  • 菜单和食物质量

  • 餐厅卫生和清洁

  • 餐厅设施和设备

  3. 顾客体验

  • 入座和用餐流程

  • 点餐过程和服务说明

  • 食物送达的及时性

  • 服务员的反应和解决问题的能力

  • 结账和付款过程

  4. 隐蔽问题测试

  • 员工对待投诉的反应

  • 员工对特殊要求的处理

  • 食物的准备和特殊要求的满足程度

  5. 其他观察

  • 餐厅氛围和音乐选择

  • 餐具和装饰品的整洁程度

  • 其他顾客的满意度和反应

  6. 总体评价

  • 对餐厅整体服务的满意度

  • 餐厅在各个方面的表现


  Mystery Shopper Evaluation Form for the Catering Industry

  1. Restaurant Information

  • Restaurant Name:

  • Location:

  • Date:

  • Time:

  2. Observation Items

  • Restaurant ambiance and decor:

  • Staff appearance and demeanor:

  • Service attitude and efficiency:

  • Menu and food quality:

  • Restaurant cleanliness and hygiene:

  • Restaurant facilities and equipment:

  3. Customer Experience

  • Seating and dining process:

  • Ordering process and service instructions:

  • Timeliness of food delivery:

  • Server's responsiveness and problem-solving ability:

  • Check-out and payment process:

  4. Covert Issue Testing

  • Staff response to complaints:

  • Handling of special requests by staff:

  • Preparation of food and satisfaction of special requests:

  5. Other Observations

  • Restaurant atmosphere and choice of music:

  • Cleanliness of tableware and decorations:

  • Satisfaction and reactions of other customers:

  6. Overall Evaluation

  • Satisfaction with the overall service of the restaurant:

  • Performance of the restaurant in various aspects:

  Please note that specific methods and steps may vary depending on the specific requirements of the restaurant and the objectives of the survey. For more detailed information, you can consult Shenzhen Secret Shopper Market Research. Shenzhen Secret Shopper Market Research (SMS) Co., Ltd. is a professional company specializing in mystery shopper services. Their services cover the entire country and even the Southeast Asian region, and they are involved in various industries, including fast-moving consumer goods, chain restaurants, automotive and home appliances, public affairs, real estate and property, hotel and tourism, finance and communications, healthcare, and more.